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Mosquito bed net designation number (for household members)


This variable is not available for any of the currently selected samples.


MLNETINDX (HMLIDX) reports the net designation number of the net the household member slept under the previous night. The net designation numbering system allows the researcher to identify which net was used by which person, since nets may differ in important characteristics (e.g., whether they were treated with insecticide).

For household members who slept under more than one bed net the previous night, MLNETINDX reports the net designation number of one of the nets the household member slept under the previous night.


Apart from universe differences, MLNETINDX (HMLIDX) has no comparability problems.

Comparability - Standard DHS

MLNETINDX (HMLIDX) is included as a standard variable in the standard DHS recode for Phase V forward.


No universe descriptions are currently available.
  • Afghanistan: 2015-H
  • Angola: 2006-H, 2011-H, 2015-H
  • Benin: 2006-H, 2011-H, 2017-H
  • Burkina Faso: 2003-H, 2010-H, 2014-H, 2018-H
  • Burundi: 2010-H, 2012-H, 2016-H
  • Cameroon: 2004-H, 2011-H, 2018-H, 2022-H
  • Congo (Democratic Republic): 2007-H, 2013-H
  • Congo Brazzaville: 2005-H, 2011-H
  • Cote d'Ivoire: 2011-H
  • Eswatini (Swaziland): 2006-H
  • Ethiopia: 2005-H
  • Gabon: 2012-H
  • Gambia: 2013-H, 2019-H
  • Ghana: 2003-H, 2008-H, 2014-H, 2019-H
  • Guinea: 2005-H, 2012-H, 2018-H, 2021-H
  • India: 2019-H
  • Kenya: 2003-H, 2008-H, 2014-H, 2015-H, 2020-H
  • Liberia: 2009-H, 2011-H, 2013-H, 2016-H, 2019-H
  • Madagascar: 2008-H, 2011-H, 2013-H, 2016-H, 2021-H
  • Malawi: 2004-H, 2010-H, 2012-H, 2014-H, 2016-H, 2017-H
  • Mali: 2006-H, 2012-H, 2015-H, 2018-H, 2021-H
  • Mozambique: 2011-H, 2018-H
  • Myanmar: 2015-H
  • Namibia: 2006-H, 2013-H
  • Niger: 2006-H, 2012-H, 2021-H
  • Nigeria: 2003-H, 2008-H, 2010-H, 2013-H, 2015-H, 2018-H, 2021-H
  • Pakistan: 2006-H, 2017-H
  • Rwanda: 2005-H, 2010-H, 2013-H, 2014-H, 2017-H, 2019-H
  • Sao Tome: 2008-H
  • Senegal: 2005-H, 2006-H, 2008-H, 2010-H, 2012-H, 2014-H, 2015-H, 2016-H, 2017-H, 2021-H
  • Sierra Leone: 2008-H, 2016-H, 2019-H
  • Tanzania: 2004-H, 2010-H, 2015-H, 2017-H
  • Togo: 2013-H, 2017-H
  • Uganda: 2006-H, 2009-H, 2011-H, 2014-H, 2016-H, 2018-H
  • Zambia: 2001-H, 2007-H, 2013-H, 2018-H
  • Zimbabwe: 2005-H, 2010-H, 2015-H