DELREFFROM_ALL variables are 4-digit variables.
1100 = Government hospital
1110 = Specialty hospital
1120 = Provincial/regional hospital
1130 = District hospital
1140 = Medical college hospital
1200 = Government health center
1210 = Family welfare center
1300 = Government health post
1400 = Government maternal and child health (MCH) center
1900 = Other public sector
1901 = Community clinic
2100 = Private hospital/clinic
2110 = Private hospital
2111 = Private medical college hospital
2120 = Private clinic
2900 = Other private medical sector
3000 = NGO FACILITY3100 = NGO health facility
3110 = Static clinic
3120 = NGO delivery hut
9994 = No formal referral
9995 = Other
9997 = Don't know
9998 = Missing
9999 = NIU (not in universe)
DELREFFROM_ALL reports the type of health facility that referred or sent the mother to the health facility where the child's delivery occurred.
DELREFFROM_ALL consists of a set of up to six separate variables, covering the most recent birth (DELREFFROM_01) up to the sixth-most-recent birth (i.e., DELREFFROM_02, DELREFFROM_03, DELREFFROM_04, DELREFFROM_05, and DELUMBTRTOOTHP_06) during the reference period prior to the survey. If DELREFFROM_ALL is included in a data extract, all these separate variables are included in a researcher's data file.
Apart from universe differences and slight differences in question wording, DELREFFROM_ALL has no comparability problems.
The harmonized coding categories in the IPUMS-DHS variable DELREFFROM_ALL were constructed to reflect the major and minor categories within the variable. The major categories are:
- 1000: Public sector facilities
- 2000: Private medical sector facilities
- 3000: NGO facilities
The second, third, and fourth digits of DELREFFROM's codes distinguish between specific locations and provide additional detail.
Comparability - Standard DHS
DELREFFROM_ALL is a country-specific variable, and it is not included in any phase of the standard DHS questionnaire.
- Bangladesh 2018: Ever-married women age 15-49 who gave birth in the 3 years before the survey and who delivered the last-born child in a health facility, who traveled to the delivery facility from another health facility.
- Nigeria 2018: Women age 15-49 who gave birth in the 5 years before the survey, who gave birth in a health facility, and who traveled from another health facility to reach the delivery facility.