Registration and access for IPUMS DHS is managed by The DHS Program, which is not reviewing new user applications or requests for expanded access from currently approved users at this time. IPUMS DHS data remain available to approved users.
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For women who have had a pregnancy terminated through abortion, stillbirth or miscarriage, PREGTERMINYR_ET (V230ET) reports the year when the last pregnancy termination occurred, according to the Ethiopian calendar.
Apart from universe differences, PREGTERMINYR_ET (V230ET) is comparable across the Ethiopian samples. Users should be attentive to the PREGTERMIN (V228) variable description and survey text, as this variable determines the woman's eligibility for being included in this question.
Comparability - Standard DHS
PREGTERMINYR_ET (V230ET) first appears in phase II of the standard DHS questionnaire is consistent and included in all subsequent phases (for Ethiopian samples).
- Ethiopia 2000: Women age 15-49 who have had a pregnancy terminated.
- Ethiopia 2005: Women age 15-49 who have had a pregnancy terminated.
- Ethiopia 2011: Women age 15-49 who have had a pregnancy terminated.
- Ethiopia 2016: Women age 15-49 who have had a pregnancy terminated.
2000-W, 2000-C, 2000-B, 2005-W, 2005-W, 2005-B, 2005-C, 2011-C, 2011-B, 2011-W, 2011-W, 2016-W, 2016-B, 2016-C, 2016-W