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Registration and access for IPUMS DHS is managed by The DHS Program, which is not reviewing new user applications or requests for expanded access from currently approved users at this time. IPUMS DHS data remain available to approved users.
Type of method: Cycle beads or standard days method

Codes and Frequencies

An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample

1Modern method·X··X·X·XX···XX1Modern methodXXX··XXXX····XX1Modern methodXXX·XXXXX·XXXXX1Modern methodXX···XXXX··XXXX1Modern method·XXX
2Traditional method·····X·X·······2Traditional method···············2Traditional method···X···········2Traditional method····X··········2Traditional method····
3Folkloric methodX·XX······XXX··3Folkloric method···XX····XXXX··3Folkloric method·········X·····3Folkloric method··XX·····XX····3Folkloric methodX···
9NIU (not in universe)·········X·····9NIU (not in universe)···············9NIU (not in universe)···············9NIU (not in universe)···············9NIU (not in universe)····