BNOTREGWHY_ALL variables are 2-digit variables.
See BNOTREGWHY_01 for the codes for these variables.
BNOTREGWHY_ALL reports the main reason why the child's birth was not registered.
BNOTREGWHY_ALL consists of a set of up to six separate variables, covering the most recent birth (BNOTREGWHY_01) up to the sixth-most-recent birth (i.e., BNOTREGWHY_02, BNOTREGWHY_03, BNOTREGWHY_04, BNOTREGWHY_05, and BNOTREGWHY_06) during the reference period prior to the survey. If BNOTREGWHY_ALL is included in a data extract, all these separate variables are included in a researcher's data file.
For most surveys, information for this variable was collected on all births, up to a maximum of six, in the reference period; exceptions in which data were collected on only the most recent birth(s) are noted in the comparability section. In many cases, data were hypothetically collected on up to six births, but no women in the survey had so many births (e.g., no woman had 4 or more births in 3 years, or had 5 or 6 births in 5 years). If, for example, no woman in a survey had 6 births in five years and only blank values were included in the original DHS file, then BNOTREGWHY_06 would not be available for that survey in IPUMS-DHS. Surveys in which the data were collected for only the most recent births are noted in the comparability section.
Comparability — Index
Congo (Democratic Republic) |
Along with universe differences and slight differences in question wording, BNOTREGWHY_ALL differs across samples in the number of response categories.
To maximize comparability, IPUMS-DHS uses composite coding. The first digit provides the broad reason the child's birth was not registered, and the second digit provides further details, when this additional information is available. For most samples, this information was collected for all births in the reference period. Exceptions, with information collected on the most recent birth only, are noted below.
Comparability - Standard DHS
BNOTREGWHY_ALL is a country-specific variable, and it is not included in any phase of the standard DHS questionnaire.
Comparability — Congo (Democratic Republic) [top]
The 2013 Democratic Republic of the Congo survey asks about the respondent's youngest surviving child, and only BNOTREGWHY_01 is available for this sample.
- Benin 2001: Women age 15-49 who gave birth in the 5 years before the survey, whose last-born child was not registered at birth.
- Benin 2006: Women age 15-49 who gave birth in the 5 years before the survey, whose last-born child was not registered at birth.
- Congo (Democratic Republic) 2007: Women age 15-49 who gave birth in the 5 years before the survey, whose last-born child was not registered at birth.
- Congo (Democratic Republic) 2013: Women age 15-49 who were not selected for hemoglobin measurement, who gave birth in the 5 years before the survey, and whose youngest surviving child under age 5 lives with them and was not registered at birth.
- Guinea 2005: Women age 15-49 who gave birth in the 5 years before the survey, whose last-born child was not registered at birth.
- Mali 2006: Women age 15-49 who gave birth in the 5 years before the survey, whose last-born child was not registered at birth.
- Namibia 2000: Women age 15-49 who gave birth in the 5 years before the survey, whose last-born child is still alive and was not registered at birth.
- Niger 2006: Women age 15-49 who gave birth in the 5 years before the survey, whose last-born child was not registered at birth.
- Tanzania 1999: Women age 15-49 who gave birth in the 5 years before the survey, whose last-born child is still alive and does not have a birth certificate.
