BPAVGSYS is a 3-digit numeric variable.
995 = Refused
996 = Technical problems
997 = Other
998 = Missing
999 = NIU (not in universe)
For women who agreed to have blood pressure measured during the survey, BPAVGSYS reports the woman's average systolic pressure measurement.
The related variable BPAVGDIA reports the woman's average diastolic pressure measurement.
In the surveys that measured a woman's blood pressure, the interviewer measured the person's blood pressure at three different times during the survey. Because blood pressure measurements only represent an instantaneous value, the average of multiple measurements may provide more accurate results. The related variables BP1SYS, BP2SYS, and BP3SYS report the first, second, and third systolic measurements taken during the survey.
- Benin 2011: Women age 15-49, in households not selected for hemoglobin testing, who initially agreed to have blood pressure measured.
- Benin 2017: Women age 30-49 in households selected for the men's survey.
- Lesotho 2009: Women age 15-49, in households selected for hemoglobin testing, who agreed to have blood pressure measured.
- Lesotho 2014: Women age 15-49, in households selected for hemoglobin testing, who agreed to have blood pressure measured.