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HH owns chickens (yes or no)

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CHICKYN indicates whether the household owned chickens. In some cases, the question referred to other domestic fowl, as well; see Comparability. The complementary variable CHICKNUM reports the number of chickens owned by the household.

The information in CHICKYN is taken from the household record and applies to regular household residents, not temporary visitors. Researchers may wish to exclude visitors using the RESIDENT variable when women, children, or births are the unit of analysis, and using the HHRESIDENT variable when household members are the unit of analysis.

Comparability — Index

Congo Brazzaville


Along with universe differences, CHICKYN varies across samples in question wording. Most surveys asked about the ownership of chickens specifically, but some samples, noted below, included other domestic fowl in the same question.

Comparability - Standard DHS

CHICKYN is a country-specific household variable not included in the standard DHS questionnaire.

Comparability — Angola [top]

The 2015 Angola survey asked about the ownership of chickens or ducks.

Comparability — Bangladesh [top]

The 2007, 2011, and 2014 Bangladesh surveys asked about the ownership of "chickens or ducks."

Comparability — Burundi [top]

The 2010 Burundi survey asked about the ownership of "chickens." The 2016 Burundi survey asked about the ownership of "poultry (chickens, ducks, pigeons, turkey, Guinea fowl)."

Comparability — Cameroon [top]

The 2011 Cameroon survey asked about the ownership of "fowl."

Comparability — Chad [top]

The 2014 Chad survey asked about ownership of "chickens, fowl, ducks, and/or pigeons."

Comparability — Congo Brazzaville [top]

The 2011 Congo survey asked about the ownership of "chickens, ducks, pigeons, turkeys, guinea fowl."

Comparability — Egypt [top]

The 2005 Egyptian survey asked about the ownership of "birds (chickens, geese, ducks, and pigeons)." The 2008 Egyptian survey asked about "chickens" only. The 1988 and 2014 Egyptian surveys asked about the ownership of "poultry" (unspecified).

Comparability — India [top]

The 2005 and 2015 Indian surveys asked about the ownership of "chickens or ducks."

Comparability — Lesotho [top]

The 2009 and 2014 Lesotho surveys asked about ownership of "ordinary [indigenous] free range chickens." These surveys also asked about ownership of "improved" chickens, presumably more expensive breeds that have desirable characteristics (e.g., disease resistance, faster weight gain, more eggs laid) kept in coops. Ownership of "improved chickens" is documented in CHICKIMPYN.

Comparability — Liberia [top]

The 2007 and 2013 Liberian surveys asked about the ownership of "chickens, ducks, or guinea fowl."

Comparability — Mali [top]

The 2006 Malian survey asked about the ownership of "poultry," which could have included domestic fowl other than or in addition to chickens.

Comparability — Niger [top]

The 2012 Niger survey asked about the ownership of "chickens, guinea fowl, pigeons."

Comparability — Senegal [top]

The 2005 Senegal survey asked about the ownership of "poultry."

Comparability — Tanzania [top]

The 2015 Tanzanian survey asked about household ownership of "chickens or other poultry."

Comparability — Zimbabwe [top]

The 2015 Zimbabwe survey asked about household ownership of "chickens or other poultry."


  • Afghanistan 2015: Ever-married women age 15-49.
  • Angola 2015: All women age 15-49.
  • Bangladesh 2007: Ever-married women age 15-49.
  • Bangladesh 2011: Ever-married women age 12-49.
  • Bangladesh 2014: Ever-married women age 15-49.
  • Benin 2011: All women age 15-49.
  • Benin 2017: All women age 15-49.
  • Burkina Faso 2010: All women age 15-49.
  • Burundi 2010: All women age 15-49.
  • Burundi 2016: All women age 15-49.
  • Cameroon 2011: All women age 15-49.
  • Chad 2014: All women age 15-49.
  • Congo Brazzaville 2011: All women age 15-49.
  • Cote d'Ivoire 2011: All women age 15-49.
  • Egypt 1988: Ever-married women age 15-49.
  • Egypt 2005: Ever-married women age 15-49.
  • Egypt 2008: Ever-married women age 15-49.
  • Egypt 2014: Ever-married women age 15-49.
  • Eswatini (Swaziland) 2006: All women age 15-49.
  • Ethiopia 2005: Women age 15-49 whose households own any livestock.
  • Ethiopia 2011: All women age 15-49.
  • Ethiopia 2016: All women age 15-49.
  • Ethiopia 2019: All women age 15-49.
  • Ghana 2008: All women age 15-49.
  • Ghana 2016: All women age 15-49.
  • Guinea 2012: All women age 15-49.
  • Guinea 2018: All women age 15-49.
  • India 2005: All women age 15-49.
  • India 2015: All women age 15-49.
  • Kenya 2008: All women age 15-49.
  • Lesotho 2009: All women age 15-49.
  • Lesotho 2014: All women age 15-49.
  • Liberia 2007: All women age 15-49.
  • Liberia 2013: All women age 15-49.
  • Madagascar 2008: All women age 15-49.
  • Malawi 2004: All women age 15-49.
  • Malawi 2016: All women age 15-49.
  • Mali 2006: All women age 15-49.
  • Mali 2012: All women age 15-49.
  • Mali 2018: All women age 15-49.
  • Morocco 2003: All women age 15-49.
  • Myanmar 2015: All women age 15-49.
  • Namibia 2006: All women age 15-49.
  • Namibia 2013: All women age 15-49.
  • Nepal 2006: All women age 15-49.
  • Nepal 2011: All women age 15-49.
  • Nepal 2016: All women age 15-49.
  • Niger 2012: All women age 15-49.
  • Nigeria 2018: All women age 15-49.
  • Pakistan 2006: Ever-married women age 15-49.
  • Pakistan 2012: Ever-married women age 15-49.
  • Pakistan 2017: Ever-married women age 15-49.
  • Rwanda 2010: All women age 15-49.
  • Senegal 2005: All women age 15-49.
  • Senegal 2010: All women age 15-49.
  • Senegal 2012: All women age 15-49.
  • Senegal 2014: All women age 15-49.
  • Senegal 2015: All women age 15-49.
  • Senegal 2016: All women age 15-49.
  • Senegal 2017: All women age 15-49.
  • South Africa 2016: All women age 15-49.
  • Tanzania 2015: All women age 15-49.
  • Togo 2013: All women age 15-49.
  • Uganda 2006: All women age 15-49.
  • Uganda 2011: All women age 15-49.
  • Uganda 2016: All women age 15-49.
  • Yemen 2013: All women age 15-49.
  • Zambia 2007: All women age 15-49.
  • Zambia 2013: All women age 15-49.
  • Zambia 2018: All women age 15-49.
  • Zimbabwe 2015: All women age 15-49.
  • Afghanistan: 2015-C, 2015-W, 2015-B, 2015-M, 2015-H, 2015-W
  • Angola: 2015-W, 2015-C, 2015-B, 2015-M, 2015-H, 2015-W
  • Bangladesh: 2007-W, 2007-H, 2007-W, 2007-B, 2007-M, 2007-C, 2011-W, 2011-C, 2011-H, 2011-W, 2011-B, 2011-M, 2014-W, 2014-H, 2014-B, 2014-C, 2014-W
  • Benin: 2011-B, 2011-M, 2011-C, 2011-W, 2011-H, 2011-W, 2017-W, 2017-C, 2017-B, 2017-M, 2017-H, 2017-W
  • Burkina Faso: 2010-W, 2010-H, 2010-M, 2010-B, 2010-C, 2010-W
  • Burundi: 2010-W, 2010-C, 2010-B, 2010-M, 2010-H, 2010-W, 2016-W, 2016-C, 2016-B, 2016-M, 2016-H, 2016-W
  • Cameroon: 2011-C, 2011-B, 2011-M, 2011-W, 2011-H
  • Chad: 2014-W, 2014-C, 2014-B, 2014-M, 2014-H
  • Congo Brazzaville: 2011-W, 2011-C, 2011-B, 2011-H, 2011-M
  • Cote d'Ivoire: 2011-W, 2011-C, 2011-B, 2011-M, 2011-H
  • Egypt: 1988-W, 1988-B, 1988-C, 2005-B, 2005-W, 2005-H, 2005-W, 2005-C, 2008-B, 2008-W, 2008-H, 2008-C, 2008-W, 2014-H, 2014-B, 2014-C, 2014-W, 2014-W
  • Eswatini (Swaziland): 2006-W, 2006-C, 2006-B, 2006-H, 2006-M, 2006-W
  • Ethiopia: 2005-W, 2005-W, 2005-H, 2005-M, 2005-B, 2005-C, 2011-M, 2011-C, 2011-H, 2011-B, 2011-W, 2011-W, 2016-W, 2016-H, 2016-M, 2016-B, 2016-C, 2016-W, 2019-W, 2019-C, 2019-B, 2019-H
  • Ghana: 2008-B, 2008-M, 2008-W, 2008-W, 2008-H, 2008-C, 2016-W, 2016-C, 2016-H
  • Guinea: 2012-M, 2012-H, 2012-B, 2012-C, 2012-W, 2018-W, 2018-C, 2018-B, 2018-M, 2018-H, 2018-W
  • India: 2005-C, 2005-B, 2005-M, 2005-W, 2005-H, 2005-W, 2015-W, 2015-C, 2015-B, 2015-M, 2015-H, 2015-W
  • Kenya: 2008-H, 2008-W, 2008-B, 2008-M, 2008-C, 2008-W
  • Lesotho: 2009-W, 2009-C, 2009-B, 2009-W, 2009-M, 2009-H, 2014-W, 2014-H, 2014-M, 2014-B, 2014-C, 2014-W
  • Liberia: 2007-W, 2007-C, 2007-B, 2007-M, 2007-H, 2013-W, 2013-C, 2013-B, 2013-M, 2013-H, 2013-W
  • Madagascar: 2008-B, 2008-M, 2008-C, 2008-W, 2008-H, 2008-W
  • Malawi: 2004-B, 2004-W, 2004-C, 2004-M, 2004-W, 2004-H, 2016-W, 2016-H, 2016-M, 2016-B, 2016-C, 2016-W
  • Mali: 2006-B, 2006-W, 2006-C, 2006-M, 2006-W, 2006-H, 2012-H, 2012-W, 2012-W, 2012-M, 2012-C, 2012-B, 2018-W, 2018-C, 2018-B, 2018-M, 2018-H, 2018-W
  • Morocco: 2003-W, 2003-C, 2003-B, 2003-H, 2003-W
  • Myanmar: 2015-C, 2015-W, 2015-B, 2015-M, 2015-H, 2015-W
  • Namibia: 2006-B, 2006-W, 2006-H, 2006-M, 2006-C, 2006-W, 2013-B, 2013-M, 2013-C, 2013-W, 2013-H, 2013-W
  • Nepal: 2006-C, 2006-B, 2006-W, 2006-W, 2006-H, 2006-M, 2011-C, 2011-B, 2011-W, 2011-M, 2011-W, 2011-H, 2016-W, 2016-H, 2016-M, 2016-B, 2016-C, 2016-W
  • Niger: 2012-W, 2012-H, 2012-M, 2012-B, 2012-C, 2012-W
  • Nigeria: 2018-W, 2018-C, 2018-B, 2018-M, 2018-H, 2018-W
  • Pakistan: 2006-W, 2006-H, 2006-B, 2006-C, 2012-B, 2012-C, 2012-H, 2012-W, 2012-M, 2012-W, 2017-W, 2017-C, 2017-B, 2017-M, 2017-H, 2017-W
  • Rwanda: 2010-W, 2010-B, 2010-M, 2010-C, 2010-H, 2010-W
  • Senegal: 2005-C, 2005-W, 2005-H, 2005-B, 2005-M, 2005-W, 2010-M, 2010-W, 2010-H, 2010-W, 2010-B, 2010-C, 2012-H, 2012-W, 2012-B, 2012-C, 2012-W, 2014-B, 2014-M, 2014-H, 2014-W, 2014-C, 2014-W, 2015-H, 2015-W, 2015-B, 2015-M, 2015-W, 2015-C, 2016-M, 2016-H, 2016-B, 2016-C, 2016-W, 2016-W, 2017-W, 2017-C, 2017-B, 2017-M, 2017-H, 2017-W
  • South Africa: 2016-W, 2016-C, 2016-B, 2016-M, 2016-H, 2016-W
  • Tanzania: 2015-H, 2015-W, 2015-M, 2015-B, 2015-C, 2015-W
  • Togo: 2013-W, 2013-C, 2013-B, 2013-H, 2013-M
  • Uganda: 2006-B, 2006-C, 2006-M, 2006-W, 2006-W, 2006-H, 2011-H, 2011-W, 2011-C, 2011-W, 2011-M, 2011-B, 2016-W, 2016-C, 2016-B, 2016-M, 2016-H, 2016-W
  • Yemen: 2013-W, 2013-C, 2013-B, 2013-H, 2013-W
  • Zambia: 2007-B, 2007-W, 2007-H, 2007-W, 2007-M, 2007-C, 2013-M, 2013-W, 2013-B, 2013-H, 2013-C, 2013-W, 2018-W, 2018-C, 2018-B, 2018-M, 2018-H, 2018-W
  • Zimbabwe: 2015-W, 2015-H, 2015-M, 2015-B, 2015-C, 2015-W