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How long after delivery the health check after discharge took place

DELPPCHKDISTM_ALL variables are 3-digit variables.


100 = Immediately, within first hour
101 = 1 hour
102 = 2 hours ... and so on
199 = Hours, number missing
200 = Same day
201 = 1 day
202 = 2 days ... and so on
299 = Days, number missing
300 = Same week
301 = 1 week
302 = 2 weeks ... and so on
399 = Weeks, number missing
997 = Don't know
998 = Missing
999 = NIU (not in universe)


For women who gave birth in the 5 years before the survey and who had a health check after discharge from the health facility where she gave birth, DELPPCHKDISTM_ALL reports the amount of time that passed before this health check.

DELPPCHKDISTM_ALL consists of a set of six separate variables, covering the most recent birth (DELPPCHKDISTM_01) up to the sixth-most-recent birth (i.e., DELPPCHKDISTM_02, DELPPCHKDISTM_03, DELPPCHKDISTM_04, DELPPCHKDISTM_05, and DELPPCHKDISTM_06) during the reference period prior to the survey. If DELPPCHKDISTM_ALL is included in a data extract, all these separate variables are included in a researcher's data file.

For surveys including this question, information for this variable was collected on all births, up to a maximum of six, in the reference period. In many cases, data were hypothetically collected on up to six births, but no women in the survey had so many births (e.g., no woman had 4 or more births in 3 years, or had 5 or 6 births in 5 years). If, for example, no woman in a survey had 6 births in five years and only blank values were included in the original DHS file, then DELPPCHKDISTM_06 would not be available for that survey in IPUMS DHS.

This variable differs from the similar variable DELPPCHKATM_ALL, in that DELPPCHKDISTM_ALL is specifically about checkups after discharge from a medical facility, whereas DELPPCHKATM_ALL asks about a health checkup after discharge or after home delivery. This variable also differs from DELPPCHKBTM_ALL, which asks about health checkups after delivery, irrespective of place of delivery.


DELPPCHKDISTM_ALL has no comparability problems.

Comparability - Standard DHS

DELPPCHKDISTM_ALL is a country-specific variable, and it is not included in any phase of the standard DHS women's questionnaire.


  • India 2019: Women age 15-49 who gave birth in the 5 years before the survey, whose last birth took place in a health facility, and who had a health check after discharge from the place of delivery.
  • India: 2019-W