FP method currently used: Other method
Codes and Frequencies
FPNOWUSOM (V307_10) indicates whether the woman is now using some "other" contraceptive method to delay or avoid getting pregnant. The meaning of "other" depends on the specific response categories included in a given sample.
IPUMS-DHS users may also be interested in FPMETHNOW (V312), which reports the woman's current contraceptive method.
- Bangladesh 2004: Ever-married women age 10-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Bangladesh 2007: Ever-married women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Bangladesh 2011: Ever-married women age 12-49.
- Bangladesh 2014: Ever-married women age 15-49.
- Benin 2001: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Benin 2006: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Benin 2011: Women age 15-49 who have heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- Burkina Faso 2003: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Burkina Faso 2010: Women age 15-49 who have heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- Burundi 2010: All women age 15-49.
- Cameroon 2004: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Chad 2004: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Chad 2014: Women age 15-49 who have heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- Comoros 2012: Women age 15-49 who have heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- Congo (Democratic Republic) 2007: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Congo (Democratic Republic) 2013: Women age 15-49 who have heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- Cote d'Ivoire 2011: Women age 15-49 who have heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- Egypt 2000: Ever-married women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Egypt 2003: Ever-married women age 15-49 who have heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- Egypt 2005: Ever-married women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Egypt 2008: Ever-married women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Egypt 2014: Ever-married women age 15-49 who have heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- Eswatini (Swaziland) 2006: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Ethiopia 2000: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Ethiopia 2005: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Ethiopia 2011: Women age 15-49 who have heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- Ethiopia 2016: Women age 15-49 who have heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- Gabon 2012: Women age 15-49 who have heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- Gambia 2013: Women age 15-49 who have heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- Ghana 2003: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Ghana 2008: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Ghana 2014: Women age 15-49 who have heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- Guinea 2005: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Guinea 2012: Women age 15-49 who have heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- India 2015: Women age 15-49 who have heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- Jordan 2002: Ever-married women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Jordan 2009: Ever-married women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Jordan 2012: Ever-married women age 15-49 who have heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- Kenya 2003: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Kenya 2008: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Kenya 2014: Women age 15-49 who have heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- Lesotho 2004: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Lesotho 2009: All women age 15-49.
- Lesotho 2014: Women age 15-49 who have heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- Liberia 2007: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Liberia 2013: Women age 15-49 who have heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- Madagascar 2003: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Madagascar 2008: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Madagascar 2021: Women age 15-49 who have heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- Malawi 2000: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Malawi 2004: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Malawi 2010: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Malawi 2016: Women age 15-49 who have heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- Mali 2001: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Mali 2006: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Mali 2012: Women age 15-49 who have heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- Morocco 2003: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Mozambique 2003: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Mozambique 2011: All women age 15-49.
- Myanmar 2015: Women age 15-49 who have heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- Namibia 2000: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Namibia 2006: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Namibia 2013: Women age 15-49 who have heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- Nepal 2001: Ever-married women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Nepal 2006: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Nepal 2011: Women age 15-49 who have ever heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- Nepal 2016: Women age 15-49 who have ever heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- Niger 2006: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Niger 2012: Women age 15-49 who have heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- Nigeria 2003: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Nigeria 2008: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Nigeria 2013: Women age 15-49 who have heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- Pakistan 2006: Ever-married women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Pakistan 2012: Ever-married women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Rwanda 2000: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Rwanda 2005: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Rwanda 2008: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Rwanda 2010: Women age 15-49 who have heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- Rwanda 2014: Women age 15-49 who have heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- Rwanda 2019: Women age 15-49 who have heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- Senegal 2005: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Senegal 2010: Women age 15-49 who have heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- Senegal 2012: Women age 15-49 who have heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- Senegal 2014: Women age 15-49 who have heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- Senegal 2015: Women age 15-49 who have heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- Senegal 2016: Women age 15-49 who have heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- Sierra Leone 2008: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Sierra Leone 2013: Women age 15-49 who have heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- South Africa 2016: Women age 15-49 who have ever heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- Tanzania 1999: All women age 15-49.
- Tanzania 2004: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Tanzania 2010: Women age 15-49 who have heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- Togo 2013: Women age 15-49 who have heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- Uganda 2001: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Uganda 2006: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Uganda 2011: Women age 15-49 who have heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- Uganda 2016: Women age 15-49 who have heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- Yemen 2013: Ever-married women age 15-49 who have heard of other method(s) of contraception.
- Zambia 2001: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Zambia 2007: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Zimbabwe 1999: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Zimbabwe 2005: Women age 15-49 who have ever used other method(s) of contraception.
- Zimbabwe 2010: Women age 15-49 who have heard of other method(s) of contraception.