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Duration of use of previous FP method: Time unit years

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FPPREVUSEYRS reports the number of years that the woman reported using her previous contraceptive method before discontinuing use.

The complementary variable FPPREVUSEMOS reports the number of months the respondent reported using her previous contraceptive method before discontinuing use.

Thus, for example, if a woman reported using her previous contraceptive method for three and a half years, that response would be recorded with a "3" in FPPREVUSEYRS and a "6" in FPPREVUSEMOS. This way of recording time intervals matches everyday speech and how female respondents answered interviewers.

Researchers may prefer to use the variable FPFPREVNOMO, which converts responses from these two variables into a single time unit of months.


FPPREVUSEYRS has no comparability issues.

Comparability - Standard DHS

FPPREVUSEYRS is a country-specific variable not included in any phase of the standard DHS questionnaire.


  • Sri Lanka 1987: Ever-married women age 15-49 who previously used a contraceptive method prior to their current method of contraception.
  • Sri Lanka: 1987-W, 1987-C, 1987-B