Comparability — Index
In addition to universe differences, HHOUTPATPAYXHH varies across samples in whether the number of times the household (member) paid for outpatient care is the total number of times in the last four weeks, or the number of times in the last four weeks excluding the most recent time. See country-specific comparability for more information.
Comparability - Standard DHS
HHOUTPATPAYXHH is a country-specific variable, and it is not included in any phase of the standard DHS household questionnaire or standard out-of-pocket health expenditures module.
Comparability — Namibia [top]
The 2013 Namibia survey asks about the total number of times the household member spent money on outpatient care including the most recent time he or she received outpatient care.
Comparability — Tanzania [top]
The 2015 Tanzania survey asks about the number of times the household member spent money on outpatient care excluding the most recent time he or she received outpatient care.