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Health history index to birth history


This variable is not available for any of the currently selected samples.


HIDX reports the young child's line number in the woman respondent's health history section. For children who are included in the health history (normally, children under age 3, 4, or 5), the value of HIDX is the same as the child's line number in the birth history (BIDX).

After asking, "Now I would like to record the names of all your births, whether still alive or not, with the first one you had," the interviewer recorded each child's name in turn on successively numbered lines printed in the "Reproduction" section of the individual woman's questionnaire.


Apart from slight universe differences, HIDX is largely comparable across samples. See Comparability - Standard DHS below.

Comparability - Standard DHS

HIDX is a standard recode variable included in all phases of DHS data. In Phase I, only living children born in the last five years were included in the health history. In Phase II forward, this expanded to include all children born in the last five years. In Phase III forward, surveys included children born in the last three or four years or, most commonly, in the last five years. As a result, IPUMS-DHS users are encouraged to review the Universe tab to determine which children were included in the universe for samples of interest.


No universe descriptions are currently available.
  • Afghanistan: 2015-C
  • Angola: 2015-C
  • Bangladesh: 1994-C, 1997-C, 2000-C, 2004-C, 2007-C, 2011-C, 2014-C, 2018-C
  • Benin: 1996-C, 2001-C, 2006-C, 2011-C, 2017-C
  • Burkina Faso: 1993-C, 1998-C, 2003-C, 2010-C
  • Burundi: 1987-C, 2010-C, 2016-C
  • Cameroon: 1991-C, 1998-C, 2004-C, 2011-C, 2018-C
  • Central African Republic: 1995-C
  • Chad: 1996-C, 2004-C, 2014-C
  • Comoros: 1996-C, 2012-C
  • Congo (Democratic Republic): 2007-C, 2013-C
  • Congo Brazzaville: 2005-C, 2011-C
  • Cote d'Ivoire: 1994-C, 1998-C, 2011-C
  • Egypt: 1988-C, 1992-C, 1995-C, 2000-C, 2003-C, 2005-C, 2008-C, 2014-C
  • Eswatini (Swaziland): 2006-C
  • Ethiopia: 2000-C, 2005-C, 2011-C, 2016-C, 2019-C
  • Gabon: 2000-C, 2012-C
  • Gambia: 2013-C, 2019-C
  • Ghana: 1988-C, 1993-C, 1998-C, 2003-C, 2008-C, 2014-C
  • Guinea: 1999-C, 2005-C, 2012-C, 2018-C
  • India: 1992-C, 1998-C, 2005-C, 2015-C
  • Jordan: 1990-C, 1997-C, 2002-C, 2007-C, 2012-C, 2017-C
  • Kenya: 1989-C, 1993-C, 1998-C, 2003-C, 2008-C, 2014-C
  • Lesotho: 2004-C, 2009-C, 2014-C
  • Liberia: 2019-C
  • Madagascar: 1992-C, 1997-C, 2003-C, 2008-C
  • Malawi: 1992-C, 2000-C, 2004-C, 2010-C, 2016-C
  • Mali: 1987-C, 1995-C, 2001-C, 2006-C, 2012-C, 2018-C
  • Morocco: 1987-C, 1992-C, 2003-C
  • Mozambique: 1997-C, 2003-C, 2011-C
  • Myanmar: 2015-C
  • Namibia: 1992-C, 2000-C, 2006-C, 2013-C
  • Nepal: 1996-C, 2001-C, 2006-C, 2011-C, 2016-C
  • Niger: 1992-C, 1998-C, 2006-C, 2012-C
  • Nigeria: 1990-C, 1999-C, 2003-C, 2008-C, 2013-C, 2018-C
  • Pakistan: 1991-C, 2006-C, 2012-C, 2017-C
  • Rwanda: 1992-C, 2000-C, 2005-C, 2008-C, 2010-C, 2014-C
  • Sao Tome: 2008-C
  • Senegal: 1986-C, 1992-C, 1997-C, 2005-C, 2010-C, 2012-C, 2014-C, 2015-C, 2016-C, 2017-C
  • Sierra Leone: 2008-C, 2013-C
  • South Africa: 1998-C, 2016-C
  • Sudan: 1989-C
  • Tanzania: 1991-C, 1996-C, 1999-C, 2004-C, 2010-C, 2015-C
  • Togo: 1988-C, 1998-C, 2013-C
  • Tunisia: 1988-C
  • Uganda: 1988-C, 1995-C, 2001-C, 2006-C, 2011-C, 2016-C
  • Yemen: 1991-C, 2013-C
  • Zambia: 1992-C, 1996-C, 2001-C, 2007-C, 2013-C, 2018-C
  • Zimbabwe: 1988-C, 1994-C, 1999-C, 2005-C, 2010-C, 2015-C