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HH member(s) covered by health insurance: Government/social security

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INSHHANYSOCS indicates whether any member of the household is covered by health insurance through Social Security or another government program.

The information in INSHHANYSOCS is taken from the household record and applies to regular household residents, not temporary visitors. Researchers may wish to exclude visitors using the RESIDENT variable (with visitors coded "2") when women, children, or births are the unit of analysis, and using the HHRESIDENT variable when household members are the unit of analysis.

Comparability — Index



INSHHANYSOCS varies across samples in the particular government insurance scheme referenced. See country-specific Comparability text.

Comparability - Standard DHS

INSHHANYSOCS is a country-specific variable not included in the standard DHS household questionnaire.

Comparability — India [top]

The 2015 India survey words this response category as "State health insurance scheme." The 2015 India survey also includes the following government funded health insurance programs:

  • INSHHANYGOVEMP: Employees state health insurance scheme (ESIS)
  • INSHHANYCENGOVEMP: Central government health scheme (CGHS)
  • INSHHANYBPL: Rashtriya swasthya bima yojana (RSBY), a national health insurance program for households below the poverty line and other unorganized workers

Comparability — Rwanda [top]

The 2008 Rwanda survey asks about health insurance coverage through La Rwandaise d'Assurance Maladie (RAMA), a program administered by the Rwanda Social Security Board and primarily covering healthcare through public facilities.


  • India 2015: Women age 15-49 in households in which at least one regular household member is covered by a health scheme or health insurance.
  • Rwanda 2008: Women age 15-49 in households in which at least one regular household member is covered by a health scheme or health insurance.
  • India: 2015-W, 2015-C, 2015-B, 2015-M, 2015-H, 2015-W
  • Rwanda: 2008-W, 2008-C, 2008-B, 2008-M, 2008-H