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Sample weight for persons for part of Pakistan 2017 sample

PERWEIGHT2_PK2017 is an 8-digit numeric variable with 6 implied decimal places. See the descriptions for this variable and for PERWEIGHT for directions on the use of this variable.


The 2017 Pakistan survey requires use of two different weights for each unit of analysis. For analyzing data on women, children, and births, PERWEIGHT covers all areas of the country except Azzad Jammu and Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan; these areas have weights with a value of zero in PERWEIGHT.

To weight cases from Azzad Jammu, Kashmir, and Gilgit, use PERWEIGHT2_PK2017. PERWEIGHT2_PK2017 has a value of zero for the rest of the country.

The DHS Program ascribes excluding Azzad Jammu, Kashmir, and Gilgit Baltistan from the standard variable PERWEIGHT to "political dynamics," according to a post on the DHS User Forum.

Apart from its restricted geographic coverage, PERWEIGHT2_PK2017 functions like PERWEIGHT; check the documentation for that variable for further information.


PERWEIGHT2_PK2017 has no comparability problems.

Comparability - Standard DHS

PERWEIGHT (V005) is included and consistent across all phases of the standard DHS. PERWEIGHT2_PK2017 is a country- and sample-specific variable.


  • Pakistan 2017: Ever-married women age 15-49 who were surveyed in Azzad Jammu, Kashmir, or Gilgit Baltistan.
  • Pakistan: 2017-W, 2017-C, 2017-B, 2017-W