PRECALTERMCMC_NP is a four-digit numeric variable.
9996 = Inconsistent
9997 = Don't know
9998 = Missing
9999 = NIU (not in universe)
For women who had any pregnancies terminated through abortion, miscarriage or stillbirth prior to the survey's birth calendar, PRECALTERMCMC_NP (V242_NP) reports the century month date of the last pregnancy termination before the start of the birth calendar, according to the Nepali calendar.
Nepal uses a different calendar than most DHS countries, and Nepali months and years do not directly correspond to Gregorian calendar's months and years. For this reason, a country-specific variable, PRECALTERMCMC_NP, is released for Nepali samples. Note that Nepali century month codes are not directly comparable to those from other countries but are consistent across Nepali samples.
For information on how to interpret and calculate century month dates in general, see DOBCMC.
Apart from universe differences, PRECALTERMCMC_NP (V242_NP) is comparable across Nepali samples.
Comparability - Standard DHS
PRECALTERMCMC (V242) first appears as a standard variable in DHS phase IV and is consistent and included in all subsequent phases. PRECALTERMCMC_NP is country-specific to Nepal, due to the use of the Nepali calendar.
- Nepal 2001: Ever-married women age 15-49 who have had a pregnancy terminated through abortion, miscarriage, or stillbirth prior to the start of the survey calendar.
- Nepal 2006: Women age 15-49 who have had a pregnancy terminated through abortion, stillbirth, or miscarriage prior to the start of the survey calendar.
- Nepal 2011: Women age 15-49 who have had a pregnancy terminated through abortion, stillbirth, or miscarriage prior to the start of the survey calendar.
- Nepal 2016: Women age 15-49 who have had a pregnancy terminated through abortion, stillbirth, or miscarriage prior to the start of the survey calendar.