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SOFA indicates whether the household had a sofa, couch, or "sofa set."

Comparability — Index



Apart from universe differences and slight differences in question wording, SOFA is largely comparable across most samples. Most surveys asked either "Does your household have a sofa?" or "Does your household have a sofa set?" Surveys with substantially different question wording are discussed below.

The information in SOFA is taken from the household record, linked to the record of the woman respondent. This information applies to household residents, not temporary visitors, so researchers may wish to exclude visitors using the RESIDENT variable (with visitors coded "2").

Comparability - Standard DHS

SOFA is a country-specific variable not included in the standard DHS questionnaire.

Comparability — India [top]

The 1992 Indian survey specified that the household should own the sofa set.

Comparability — Lesotho [top]

The 2004 Lesotho survey asked whether the household had "a sofa or mattress."


  • Afghanistan 2015: Ever-married women age 15-49.
  • Egypt 2005: Ever-married women age 15-49.
  • Egypt 2008: Ever-married women age 15-49.
  • Egypt 2014: Ever-married women age 15-49.
  • Guinea 2018: All women age 15-49.
  • India 1992: Ever-married women age 13-49.
  • Kenya 2014: All women age 15-49.
  • Lesotho 2004: All women age 15-49.
  • Malawi 2004: All women age 15-49.
  • Malawi 2010: All women age 15-49.
  • Malawi 2016: All women age 15-49.
  • Myanmar 2015: All women age 15-49.
  • Namibia 2013: All women age 15-64.
  • Nepal 2006: All women age 15-49.
  • Nepal 2011: All women age 15-49.
  • Nepal 2016: All women age 15-49.
  • Nigeria 2018: All women age 15-49.
  • Pakistan 2006: Ever-married women age 15-49.
  • Pakistan 2012: Ever-married women age 15-49.
  • Pakistan 2017: Ever-married women age 15-49.
  • Uganda 2006: All women age 15-49.
  • Uganda 2011: All women age 15-49.
  • Uganda 2016: All women age 15-49.
  • Zambia 2007: All women age 15-49.
  • Zambia 2013: All women age 15-49.
  • Zambia 2018: All women age 15-49.
  • Afghanistan: 2015-C, 2015-W, 2015-B, 2015-M, 2015-H, 2015-W
  • Egypt: 2005-B, 2005-W, 2005-H, 2005-W, 2005-C, 2008-B, 2008-W, 2008-H, 2008-C, 2008-W, 2014-H, 2014-B, 2014-C, 2014-W, 2014-W
  • Guinea: 2018-W, 2018-C, 2018-B, 2018-M, 2018-H, 2018-W
  • India: 1992-W, 1992-C, 1992-H, 1992-B
  • Kenya: 2014-M, 2014-B, 2014-C, 2014-H, 2014-W, 2014-W
  • Lesotho: 2004-C, 2004-B, 2004-W, 2004-M, 2004-H
  • Malawi: 2004-B, 2004-W, 2004-C, 2004-M, 2004-W, 2004-H, 2010-B, 2010-C, 2010-W, 2010-M, 2010-W, 2010-H, 2016-W, 2016-H, 2016-M, 2016-B, 2016-C, 2016-W
  • Myanmar: 2015-C, 2015-W, 2015-B, 2015-M, 2015-H, 2015-W
  • Namibia: 2013-B, 2013-M, 2013-C, 2013-W, 2013-H, 2013-W
  • Nepal: 2006-C, 2006-B, 2006-W, 2006-W, 2006-H, 2006-M, 2011-C, 2011-B, 2011-W, 2011-M, 2011-W, 2011-H, 2016-W, 2016-H, 2016-M, 2016-B, 2016-C, 2016-W
  • Nigeria: 2018-W, 2018-C, 2018-B, 2018-M, 2018-H, 2018-W
  • Pakistan: 2006-W, 2006-H, 2006-B, 2006-C, 2012-B, 2012-C, 2012-H, 2012-W, 2012-M, 2012-W, 2017-W, 2017-C, 2017-B, 2017-M, 2017-H, 2017-W
  • Uganda: 2006-B, 2006-C, 2006-M, 2006-W, 2006-W, 2006-H, 2011-H, 2011-W, 2011-C, 2011-W, 2011-M, 2011-B, 2016-W, 2016-C, 2016-B, 2016-M, 2016-H, 2016-W
  • Zambia: 2007-B, 2007-W, 2007-H, 2007-W, 2007-M, 2007-C, 2013-M, 2013-W, 2013-B, 2013-H, 2013-C, 2013-W, 2018-W, 2018-C, 2018-B, 2018-M, 2018-H, 2018-W