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Registration and access for IPUMS DHS is managed by The DHS Program, which is not reviewing new user applications or requests for expanded access from currently approved users at this time. IPUMS DHS data remain available to approved users.
Time since social transfer: Support from private organization/NGO

Codes and Frequencies

An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample

100Less than 1 monthX
1011 monthX
1022 monthsX
1033 monthsX
1044 monthsX
1055 monthsX
1066 monthsX
1077 monthsX
1088 monthsX
1099 monthsX
11010 monthsX
11111 monthsX
11212 monthsX
11313 monthsX
11414 months·
11515 months·
11616 months·
11717 months·
11818 months·
11919 monthsX
12020 months·
12121 months·
12222 months·
12323 months·
12424 months·
12525 months·
12626 months·
12727 months·
12828 months·
12929 months·
13030 months·
13131 months·
13232 months·
13333 months·
13434 months·
13535 months·
13636 months·
13737 months·
13838 months·
13939 months·
14040 months·
14141 months·
14242 months·
14343 months·
14444 months·
14545 months·
14646 months·
14747 months·
14848 months·
14949 months·
15050 months·
15151 months·
15252 months·
15353 months·
15454 months·
15555 months·
15656 months·
15757 months·
15858 months·
15959 months·
16060 months·
16161 months·
16262 months·
16363 months·
16464 months·
16565 months·
16666 months·
16767 months·
16868 months·
16969 months·
17070 months·
17171 months·
17272 months·
17373 months·
17474 months·
17575 months·
17676 months·
17777 months·
17878 months·
17979 months·
18080 months·
18181 months·
18282 months·
18383 months·
18484 months·
18585 months·
18686 months·
18787 months·
18888 months·
18989 months·
19090 months·
19191 months·
19292 months·
19393 months·
19494 monthsX
199Months, number missing·
2011 yearX
2022 yearsX
2033 yearsX
2044 yearsX
2055 yearsX
2066 yearsX
2077 yearsX
2088 yearsX
2099 years·
21010 yearsX
21111 yearsX
21212 yearsX
21313 years·
21414 years·
21515 yearsX
21616 years·
21717 years·
21818 years·
21919 years·
22020 years·
22121 years·
22222 years·
22323 years·
22424 years·
22525 years·
22626 years·
22727 years·
22828 years·
22929 years·
23030 years·
23131 years·
23232 years·
23333 years·
23434 years·
23535 years·
299Years, number missing·
997Don't knowX
999NIU (not in universe)X