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Child received DPT (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus) 2 vaccination


This variable is not available for any of the currently selected samples.


For children born in the 3 to 5 years before the survey, VACDPT2 (H5) indicates whether the child has received the second in a series of DPT vaccinations against diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus. The DPT vaccination is often given as an injection in the thigh or buttocks, often at the same time as polio drops.

The DPT vaccination primary series usually consists of 3 administrations, and the complementary variables VACDPT1 (H3) and VACDPT3 (H7) report the first and third administrations, respectively.

VACDPT2 uses composite coding, with a first digit of 2 indicating the child has been vaccinated and the second digit indicating the source of information (a dated entry on the vaccination card, an undated mark on the vaccination card, or the mother's report).

Comparability — Index



Apart from universe differences and slight differences in question wording, VACDPT2 (H5) is largely comparable across samples.

The type, timing, and number of doses in recommended DPT vaccination primary series have varied between nations and across years. Knowledge of the recommended regimen in the region and year of interest may be required in order to determine whether, for example, three doses constituted a full DPT vaccination series. For more information on these recommendations, refer to "WHO Vaccination Schedules and Updates."

In some countries and years, DPT vaccinations were administered in combination with other vaccines. The most common example is the "pentavalent" vaccine, which is a combination of the vaccines against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, hepatitis B, and Haemophilus influenzae type b. VACDPT2 refers to DPT as an individual vaccination only; the variable does not include responses indicating receipt of the second DPT vaccination in combination with another vaccine. See country-specific comparability (below) for more information.

Comparability - Standard DHS

VACDPT2 (H5) is included in the standard DHS questionnaire in Phases I through VI. In Phase VII, the standard vaccination changed to DPT+HepB+Hib 2, or the pentavalent vaccine (VACPENTA2 (H52)).

In Phase I, respondents are asked to show a health card with immunization records for their children. For this phase, the health card is the only source of information for the vaccine variables. Beginning in Phase II, if a health card is not available, or if the respondent indicates the child received additional vaccines not recorded on the card, follow-up questions are asked to determine which vaccinations the child received.

To maximize comparability, researchers using data from samples relying exclusively on vaccination cards should focus only on positive cases based on dated entries in the vaccination card (code "22") in later samples.


No universe descriptions are currently available.
  • Bangladesh: 1994-C, 1997-C, 2000-C, 2004-C, 2007-C, 2011-C
  • Benin: 1996-C, 2001-C, 2006-C, 2011-C
  • Burkina Faso: 1993-C, 1998-C, 2003-C
  • Burundi: 1987-C
  • Cameroon: 1991-C, 1998-C, 2004-C, 2011-C
  • Chad: 1996-C, 2004-C
  • Congo (Democratic Republic): 2007-C
  • Cote d'Ivoire: 1994-C, 1998-C
  • Egypt: 1988-C, 1992-C, 1995-C, 2000-C, 2003-C, 2005-C, 2008-C, 2014-C
  • Ethiopia: 2000-C, 2005-C, 2011-C
  • Gabon: 2000-C, 2012-C
  • Ghana: 1988-C, 1993-C, 1998-C, 2003-C
  • Guinea: 1999-C, 2005-C
  • India: 1992-C, 1998-C, 2005-C, 2015-C, 2019-C
  • Jordan: 1990-C, 1997-C, 2002-C, 2007-C, 2012-C
  • Kenya: 1989-C, 1993-C, 1998-C
  • Lesotho: 2004-C, 2009-C
  • Liberia: 1986-C, 2007-C
  • Madagascar: 1992-C, 1997-C, 2003-C, 2008-C
  • Malawi: 1992-C, 2000-C, 2004-C
  • Mali: 1987-C, 1995-C, 2001-C, 2006-C, 2012-C
  • Morocco: 1987-C, 1992-C, 2003-C
  • Mozambique: 1997-C
  • Namibia: 1992-C, 2000-C, 2006-C
  • Nepal: 1996-C, 2001-C, 2006-C
  • Niger: 1992-C, 1998-C, 2006-C
  • Nigeria: 1990-C, 1999-C, 2003-C, 2008-C, 2013-C
  • Pakistan: 1991-C, 2006-C, 2012-C
  • Rwanda: 1992-C, 2000-C, 2005-C, 2010-C
  • Senegal: 1986-C, 1992-C, 2005-C
  • Sierra Leone: 2019-C
  • South Africa: 1998-C
  • Sri Lanka: 1987-C
  • Sudan: 1989-C
  • Tanzania: 1991-C, 1996-C, 1999-C, 2004-C
  • Tunisia: 1988-C
  • Uganda: 1988-C, 1995-C, 2001-C, 2006-C
  • Yemen: 1991-C
  • Zambia: 1992-C, 1996-C, 2001-C, 2007-C
  • Zimbabwe: 1988-C, 1994-C, 1999-C, 2005-C, 2010-C