Registration and access for IPUMS DHS is managed by The DHS Program, which is not reviewing new user applications or requests for expanded access from currently approved users at this time. IPUMS DHS data remain available to approved users.
- Topics
- Technical
- Geography
- Environmental and social context
- Household characteristics
- Demographic
- Socioeconomic status
- Decision-making
- Family planning
- General family planning
- Desired or ideal family planning
- Beliefs about family planning
- Knowledge of family planning
- Recent use of family planning
- First use of family planning
- Future use of family planning
- Ever use of family planning
- Cost of family planning
- Sterilization
- Emergency contraception
- Information on family planning, general
- Information on family planning, CS
- Source of information on family planning
- Problems with family planning
- Why not use family planning
- Type of family planning method
- Discussion of family planning
- Known source for non-users, general
- Known source for non-users, CS
- Other sexually transmitted infections
- Sex practice and attitudes
- Condom use and access
- Domestic violence
- Tuberculosis
- Malaria
- Fistula
- Female circumcision
- Health behaviors
- Maternal and infant health
- General maternal and infant health
- Maternal antenatal care, general
- Maternal antenatal care, CS
- Source for maternal antenatal care, general
- Source for maternal antenatal care, CS
- Antenatal iron supplements
- Antenatal antimalarial treatment
- Maternal pregnancy complications
- Maternal delivery care, general
- Maternal delivery care, CS
- Caesarean section
- Transportation to delivery location
- Cost and payment of delivery
- Delivery complications
- Newborn care
- Postpartum care
- Birth records
- Breastfeeding and infant feeding
- ORS treatment
- Beliefs about child treatment
- Child development
- Biometrics
- Healthcare
- Other health issues
- Disability
- IPUMS Global Health
- A-Z
- Search
Country abbreviations
af | Afghanistan | afghan |
ao | Angola | angola |
bd | Bangladesh | bang |
bj | Benin | benin |
bf | Burkina Faso | burkf |
bi | Burundi | burun |
cm | Cameroon | camer |
cf | Central African Republic | cenaf |
td | Chad | chad |
km | Comoros | comor |
cd | Congo (Democratic Republic) | condr |
cg | Congo Brazzaville | congo |
ci | Cote d'Ivoire | cotedi |
eg | Egypt | egypt |
sz | Eswatini (Swaziland) | eswat |
et | Ethiopia | ethio |
ga | Gabon | gabon |
gm | Gambia | gambia |
gh | Ghana | ghana |
gn | Guinea | guinea |
ia | India | india |
jo | Jordan | jordan |
ke | Kenya | kenya |
ls | Lesotho | lesoth |
lr | Liberia | liber |
mg | Madagascar | madag |
mw | Malawi | malaw |
ml | Mali | mali |
mr | Mauritania | maurt |
ma | Morocco | moroc |
mz | Mozambique | moz |
mm | Myanmar | myan |
na | Namibia | namib |
np | Nepal | nepal |
ne | Niger | niger |
ng | Nigeria | nigera |
pk | Pakistan | pak |
rw | Rwanda | rwand |
st | Sao Tome | stome |
sn | Senegal | seneg |
sl | Sierra Leone | sleone |
za | South Africa | safrica |
lk | Sri Lanka | sril |
sd | Sudan | sud |
tz | Tanzania | tanz |
tg | Togo | togo |
tn | Tunisia | tunis |
ug | Uganda | ugand |
ye | Yemen | yem |
zm | Zambia | zambia |
zw | Zimbabwe | zimbw |
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