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FCINFORAD indicates whether the woman received information about female circumcision on the radio during the past year, in response to a question about her source of information. Question wording varies across samples. See Comparability.
Comparability — Index
Burkina Faso |
Along with universe differences, question wording varies across samples in FCINFORAD, which may reduce the variable's comparability.
For some samples, the question is open-ended and asked only if the woman had seen or heard information about female circumcision during the year preceding the interview. For these samples, FCINFORAD captures whether she mentioned receiving information on the radio.
For other samples, the question is instead closed-ended and comprised of multiple parts. For these samples, FCINFORAD indicates whether the woman affirmed receiving information on the radio when provided with a list of potential sources. See Survey Text.
Samples with additional comparability issues are discussed below.
Comparability - Standard DHS
FCINFORAD is included in neither the standard DHS questionnaire nor in any of the three versions of the standard DHS module on female circumcision.
Comparability — Burkina Faso [top]
Instead of inquiring about the full year preceding the interview, the Burkina Faso 1998 survey asks the woman about information she had received during the preceding six months.
- Burkina Faso 1998: Women age 15-49 who have heard of FC.
- Egypt 2000: Ever-married women age 15-49 who have heard of FC.
- Egypt 2003: Ever-married women age 15-49 who have heard of FC.
- Egypt 2005: Ever-married women age 15-49.
- Egypt 2008: Ever-married women age 15-49 who received FC info in last 12 months.
- Egypt 2014: Ever-married women age 15-49 who received FC info in last 12 months.
