Comparability — Index
In addition to universe differences, there are significant differences in question wording in DVMRAPE. See below for country-specific comparability.
Comparability â Standard DHS
DVMRAPE is a country-specific variable, and it is not included in any phase of the standard DHS questionnaire.
Comparability — Jordan [top]
The 2007 Jordan survey first asks an open-ended question about what the respondent considers violence against women. This is followed by a series of closed-ended (yes/no) questions asking whether the respondent considers specific actions to be violence against women. The 2007 Jordan survey includes "Rape" as a response category. The 2007 Jordan survey distinguishes between "Rape" and "Unwanted sexual intercourse" (DVMUNWANTSEX).
Comparability — Yemen [top]
The 2013 Yemen survey asks, "What is your understanding of domestic violence, does that mean: Rape?"