Codes and Frequencies
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CHLHHACTIVITY reports the main economic activity of the child household member selected for the child labor module (CHLHHINDEX).
The information in CHLHHACTIVITY is taken from the household record and applies to regular household residents, not temporary visitors. Researchers may wish to exclude visitors using the RESIDENT variable (with visitors coded "2") when women, children, or births are the unit of analysis, and using the HHRESIDENT variable when household members are the unit of analysis.
CHLHHACTIVITY has no comparability problems. The harmonized coding categories in the IPUMS-DHS variable CHLHHACTIVIY were constructed to reflect the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) codes from revision 4 (published in 2008). The major categories are:
- A: Agriculture, forestry fishing
- B: Mining and quarrying
- C: Manufacturing
- D: Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
- E: Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
- F: Construction
- G: Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
- H: Transportation and storage
- I: Accommodation and food service activities
- J: Information and communication
- K: Financial and insurance activities
- L: Real estate activities
- M: Professional, scientific and technical activities
- N: Administrative and support service activities
- O: Public administration and defense, compulsory social security
- P: Education
- Q: Human health and social work activities
- R: Arts, entertainment and recreation
- S: Other service activities
- T: Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use
- U: Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies
CHLHHACTIVITY is a country-specific variable, and it is not included in any phase of the standard DHS questionnaire or child labor module.
- Angola 2015: Women age 15-49 in households with a child age 15-17 selected for the child labor module, who worked in the past week or who have a job.