KIDBIRTHMO_AF_ALL (B1_x) reports the child's month of birth, according to the Solar Hijri calendar. This variable is only available for the Afghan samples.
KIDBIRTHMO_AF_ALL consists of a set of twenty separate variables, covering the most recent birth (KIDBIRTHMO_01) up to the twentieth-most-recent birth (KIDBIRTHMO_20) for a female respondent of childbearing age. If KIDBIRTHMO_AF_ALL is included in a data extract, all these separate variables are included in a researcher's data file.
Information for this variable was collected on all births for a woman, up to a maximum of twenty births. In many cases, data were hypothetically collected on up to twenty births, but no women in the survey had so many births (e.g., no woman had 19 or 20 births). If, for example, no woman in a survey had 20 births and only blank values were included in the original DHS file, then KIDBIRTHMO_20 would not be available for that survey in IPUMS-DHS.