In addition to universe differences, AIDSINFONEIGH varies across samples in question wording. Most commonly, this question is worded as "From which sources have you learned the most about AIDS? Any other sources?" or some slight variation [emphasis added]. A number of surveys simply ask, "From which sources have you learned about AIDS? Any other sources?" or some slight variation.
While most surveys implicitly ask whether the woman has ever heard information about HIV/AIDS from a given source, a few samples specify a time frame. For example, a given sample might ask whether the woman has heard about HIV/AIDS in the last month.
IPUMS-DHS users are encouraged to review the Survey Text tab for samples of interest.
Comparability - Standard DHS
AIDSINFONEIGH is a country-specific variable, but it is part of a series on where the female respondent has heard about HIV/AIDS, included in Phase III of the standard DHS questionnaire.