Codes and Frequencies
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TOSMOKEOTHFQ (V463AB) reports how frequently the woman smokes or uses any type of tobacco other than cigarettes (not at all, some days, or every day).
Comparability — Index
Congo (Democratic Republic) |
Apart from universe differences and slight differences in question wording, TOSMOKEOTHFQ (V463AB) is largely comparable across samples.
Comparability - Standard DHS
TOSMOKEOTHFQ (V463AB) is included in the standard DHS questionnaire beginning in Phase VII, with the question, "Do you currently smoke or use any other type of tobacco every day, some days, or not at all?"
Comparability — Congo (Democratic Republic) [top]
The 2013 Democratic Republic of the Congo survey asks, "Do you currently use tobacco without smoking [emphasis added] every day, less than once a day, or not at all?" Only respondents who reported using chewing tobacco, snuff, hand-rolled tobacco, or another type of tobacco (excluding cigarettes or pipes) were asked this question.
- Angola 2015: All women age 15-49.
- Benin 2017: All women age 15-49.
- Burundi 2016: All women age 15-49.
- Cameroon 2018: All women age 15-49.
- Congo (Democratic Republic) 2013: Women age 15-49 who use chewing tobacco, snuff, hand-wrapped tobacco, or another type of tobacco.
- Ethiopia 2016: All women age 15-49.
- Gambia 2019: All women age 15-49.
- Guinea 2018: All women age 15-49.
- Liberia 2019: All women age 15-49.
- Madagascar 2021: All women age 15-49.
- Malawi 2016: All women age 15-49.
- Mali 2018: All women age 15-49.
- Namibia 2013: Women age 15-49 who use pipes, chewing tobacco, betel, snuff, hubbly bubbly, marijuana, or any other type of tobacco.
- Nepal 2016: All women age 15-49.
- Nigeria 2018: All women age 15-49.
- Pakistan 2017: Ever-married women age 15-49.
- Rwanda 2019: All women age 15-49.
- Senegal 2017: All women age 15-49.
- Sierra Leone 2019: All women age 15-49.
- Uganda 2016: All women age 15-49.
- Zambia 2018: All women age 15-49.
- Zimbabwe 2015: All women age 15-49.
