Using Calendar Data in Single Month Format: Three Practice Exercises

As previously noted in MPC and DHS blog posts, using woman-months as a unit of analysis from IPUMS DHS simplifies analyzing contraceptive calendar data. By choosing woman-months as their unit of analysis on the IPUMS DHS website, users can make customized datasets of de-stringed and consistently coded calendar data, which saves time and minimizes errors. Researchers investigating many topics, such as length of adherence to specific contraceptive methods, timing and frequency of contraceptive failure, timing of pregnancy loss, and differences in time to conception between different populations, will find the single month format of the data useful. This format is compatible with the statistical methods commonly applied to data with a duration component.

Below are three examples of how the IPUMS DHS calendar data in single month format can be used to produce straightforward statistics relating to contraception use, in fewer steps than when using the original DHS calendar data.

EXAMPLE 1. Survival Curve of Family Planning Use.

Step 1.1. Make your customized data file.

  • At the IPUMS DHS website (at, log in with your approved DHS username and password. This step is required before one can create and download a customized dataset.
  • Download a sample of your choice (for this example, we picked Burundi 2016), using "Woman Months" as the unit of analysis, by selecting the following variables:
    • CALREASON (Reason for discontinuation of contraceptive)
    • CALREPROD_ALLEVENTS (Numeric recode of reproductive events for woman-month)
    • CALCONTR (Contraception used during woman-month)
    • DOBCMC(Respondent's date of birth, in century months)
    • Other required variables, CALCMC_MONTH, CALID, and CALSEQ, are preselected for automatic inclusion in a data file with calendar data, so you do not need to add those variables yourself.
  • Choose Stata as the format of your data file, to fit the commands given below.

Step 1.2. Open your data file:

  • Either change to a working directory where your data are stored or add the full path to the command below.
      					cd "C:\data\IPUMS_DHS"
  • Open the dataset to conduct your analysis.
      					use "idhs_00001.dta", clear

Note: Many of the steps spelled out in the exercises in the DHS Contraceptive Calendar Tutorial can be skipped if you are using the IPUMS DHS version of calendar data.

Specifically, there is no need to destring the calendar information and to restructure it (Steps 5.1 and 5.2 of the DHS Contraceptive Calendar Tutorial exercise).

Steps 5.4 and 5.5 of the DHS Contraceptive Calendar Tutorial can also be eliminated since the calendar variables in IPUMS DHS are already in a numeric format with appropriate and consistent labels.

Our calendar sequence variable, while placing calendar moths in the correct chronological order, is not always capturing the 60 mnths immediately preceding the interview.

We therefore recommend using CALREVSEQ, which requires users to reverse the time order of the data before conducting their analyses. The commands below show you how to do that.

We are working on eliminating this step for users and will update this user note accordingly.

Step 1.3. Keep cases for the five years preceding interview and create an index variable in which months are numbered in chronological order.

  • Use the following command to reorder and limit cases.
      					bysort sample calid (calcmc_m): egen long revcalseq = rank(-calseq)
      					keep if revcalseq <61
      					bysort sample calid (calcmc_m): egen long calseq_n = rank(-revcalseq)

Step 1.4. Consider the cohort of women who were all using the contraception in Month 1. Flag these cases and include all rows from those women in a sub-sample called surv_sample:

  • Use the following commands to make this sub-sample of contraceptive users in Month 1.
      					recode calcontr(0=0)(9=0)(else=1),gen(fp_use)
      					gen fp_temp=0
      					replace fp_temp=1 if fp_use==1 & revcalseq==60
      					egen surv_sample=max(fp_temp), by(caseid)

Step 1.5. The function stset establishes the data in memory as "survival-time" data, where the variable month records time in months, the identification number for each person is provided by id(caseid), and cessation of use (i.e., failure) is marked by the first instance where fp_use==0 for each person in the sub-sample.

  • Use the following command to prepare these survival-time data.
      					stset calseq_n, id(caseid) failure(fp_use==0)

Step 1.6. The function sts list produces a table in which the column Survivor Function estimates the probability of "surviving" -- or continuously using -- some form of contraception at each month shown in the column Time.

  • Use the following command to create the survival-time table.
      					sts list if surv_sample==1

Step 1.7. A survival curve representing this table can be made easily.

  • Use the following command to graph the survival curve.
      					sts graph if surv_sample==1, by(sample)

EXAMPLE 2. Reason for method discontinuation

This example is modelled on Example 5 from the DHS Contraceptive Calendar Tutorial, modified to fit the IPUMS DHS version of calendar data. As noted on the DHS Program website, "This example [from the Contraceptive Calendar Tutorial] produces a percent distribution of the reason for discontinuation of each method discontinued in the five years preceding the survey, disaggregated by the type of method used."

Step 2.1. Use the customized dataset created for the previous example.

Step 2.2. Open your data file:

  • Either change to a working directory where your data are stored or add the full path to the command below.
      					cd "C:\data\IPUMS_DHS"
  • Open the dataset to conduct your analysis.
      					use "idhs_00001.dta", clear

Step 2.3. Keep cases relating to contraceptive discontinuation for the five years preceding interview and create an index variable to put months in chronological order.

  • Drop cases coded as "not in universe" and cases that occurred more than 60 months before interview.
      					bysort sample calid (calcmc_m): egen long revcalseq = rank(-calseq)
      					keep if revcalseq <61 & calreason !=99

Step 2.4.Tabulate the data, using the appropriate weight.

  • The proper option recognizes the complex sample design using the Stata svyset command. For a single sample:
      					svyset idhspsu, strata(idhsstrata) weight(perweight) vce(linearized) singleunit(centered)
      					svy: tab calreason calreprod_allevents, column per
  • For multiple samples, use the following command for each one:
      					svy: tab calreason calreprod_allevents if sample==10803, column per

Stata Output

	. svyset idhspsu, strata(idhsstrata) weight[perweight] vce(linearized) singleunit(centered) 
	  svy: tab calreason calreprod_allevents, column per
			pweight: perweight
				VCE: linearized
		Single unit: missing
			Strata 1: domain
				SU 1: psu
				FPC 1: 
	. svy: tab calreason calreprod_allevents, col per
	(running tabulate on estimation sample)
	Number of strata  =    35					Number of obs    =      3,737
	Number of PSUs    =   538					Population size  = 3,990.0744
												Design dfn		 =        503
		    reason for |
    discontinuation of |						         	   numeric recode of reproductive events for woman-month
         contraceptive |      pill       iud     condom    withdraw  female c  emergenc  lactatio  implants   injectio    periodic    standard    other mo   other tr   | Total
 became pregnant while |     8.303      2.708     4.504       20.48     84.85     9.185     15.39     .4543      1.453       35.17       39.13       60.03      23.29   | 5.869
 wanted to become preg |     24.94  	41.37  	  21.89       34.01     15.15     11.35     43.45     30.31      30.95        39.5		  28.7			 0			0   | 31.03
   husband disapproved |  	 3.021      1.187     12.04       12.51         0     4.684     6.563     1.167      2.237        5.09  	 4.646			 0 			0   | 3.321
 lack of access/availa |   	 .4232          0     2.138           0         0         0     6.788     .3279      1.002           0  		 0			 0 			0   | .7265
                  cost |         0          0     .8318		      0		    0		  0			0	  .1801	  	     0  		 0  		 0			 0 			0   | .0622
			fatalistic |  	 1.216      2.932   	  0		      0		    0	      0			0     2.346       1.22	         0 			 0 			 0 		 	0   |  1.27
		  side effects |     34.64      31.38     5.696       .3132   		0	  36.87			0     43.93      40.79		     0  	 3.567		 	 0  		0   | 33.21
 wanted more effective |     6.672      5.093     12.03       9.785   	    0	  10.05	    4.583     5.853      5.183       3.351 	 	 7.944			 0 		    0   | 5.922
   inconvenient to use |     4.547      3.327     9.378       6.324		    0		  0			0     3.236      2.413        6.46 		 1.087			 0 	    20.57   | 3.502
 infrequent sex/husban |     3.215	    5.077	  16.43       3.433		    0	  18.22	    11.66     2.358      4.542         1.7 		 6.612			 0			0   | 4.463
 difficult to get preg |		 0	    1.653 	  .2734		      0		    0		  0			0     .3637	     .3539		     0 			 0 			 0			0   | .3413
   marital dissolution |     2.592   	.5829      1.73        .275		    0		  0			0     .6478      1.844		     0 			 0 			 0			0   | 1.381
		  other reason |     6.224	    3.658     10.99       2.635		    0     1.344     11.56     7.552      6.569       3.116 			 0 			 0 		45.86   | 6.301
           do not know |     4.207      1.032     2.071       10.24		    0     8.302			0     1.274      1.441       5.619		  8.31		 39.97		10.28   | 2.607
				 Total |	   100	      100       100	        100       100		100 	  100	    100	       100	       100  	   100		   100		  100   |   100
	Key:   column percentage
		Uncorrected	  chi2(156)	     	= 1409.9456
		Design-based  F(60.69, 30529.27)=     9.9943    P = 0.0000

Stata Output

	. bysort sample: tab calreason calreprod_allevents [iw=perweight], column nofreq
	-> sample = burundi 2016

		    reason for |
    discontinuation of |							           numeric recode of reproductive events for woman-month
         contraceptive |      pill        iud    condom   withdrawa female co  emergency  lactation  implants/  injection    periodic    standard    other mo  | Total
 became pregnant while |      8.30       2.71      4.50       20.48     84.85       9.18      15.39      0.45        1.45       35.17       35.17       60.03  |  5.87
 wanted to become preg |     24.94  	41.37  	  21.89       34.01     15.15      11.35      43.45     30.31       30.95       39.50	    28.70		 0.00  | 31.03
   husband disapproved |  	  3.02       1.19     12.04       12.51      0.00       4.68       6.56      1.17        2.24        5.09    	 4.65		 0.00  |  3.32
 lack of access/availa |   	  0.42       0.00      2.14        0.00      0.00       0.00       6.79      0.33        1.00        0.00  		 0.00	     0.00  |  0.73
                  cost |      0.00       0.00      0.83		   0.00		 0.00		0.00       0.00	      .18  	     0.00  		 0.00  		 0.00		 0.00  |  0.06
			fatalistic |  	  1.22       2.93      0.00		   0.00		 0.00	    0.00	   0.00      2.35        1.22	     0.00 		 0.00 		 0.00  |  1.27
		  side effects |     34.64      31.38      5.70        0.31      0.00	   36.87	   0.00     43.93       40.79		 0.00  	     3.57		 0.00  | 33.21
 wanted more effective |      6.67       5.09     12.03        9.78   	 0.00	   10.05	   4.58      5.85        5.18        3.35 	 	 7.94	     0.00  |  5.92
   inconvenient to use |      4.55       3.33      9.38        6.32	     0.00		0.00	   0.00      3.24        2.41        6.46 		 1.09		 0.00  |  3.50
 infrequent sex/husban |      3.22	     5.08	  16.43        3.43		 0.00	   18.22	  11.66      2.36        4.54        1.70 		 6.61	     0.00  |  4.46
 difficult to get preg |	  0.00	     1.65 	   0.27		   0.00		 0.00		0.00	   0.00      0.36	     0.35		 0.00 		 0.00 	     0.00  |  0.34
   marital dissolution |      2.59   	 0.58      1.73        0.28		 0.00		0.00	   0.00      0.65        1.84		 0.00 		 0.00 	     0.00  |  1.38
		  other reason |      6.22	     3.66     10.99        2.63		 0.00       1.34      11.56      7.55        6.57        3.12 		 0.00 	     0.00  |  6.30
           do not know |      4.21       1.03      2.07       10.24		 0.00       8.30	   0.00      1.27        1.44        5.62		 8.31		39.97  |  2.61
				 Total |    100.00	   100.00    100.00	     100.00    100.00     100.00 	 100.00	   100.00	   100.00	   100.00  	   100.00	   100.00  |100.00


EXAMPLE 3. Examine contraceptive prevalence over time.

Our third example replicates Example 6 from the DHS Contraceptive Calendar Tutorial. This exercises "calculates the proportion of women age 15-44 who were using any method of contraception in a five-year period prior to the first survey interview." Following the suggestions on the DHS Program website, the following restrictions are used: "1) limit to women age 15-44 throughout the table as the oldest woman would only be 44 years old five years before the survey, and 2) only include data for months on or before the earliest month of interview, as there may be biases for later months in which only a limited set of women provided data."

Step 3.1. Use the customized dataset created for the previous examples.

Step 3.2.Open your data file.

  • Either change to a working directory where the data are stored or add the full path to the 'use' command below.
      				cd "C:\data\IPUMS_DHS"
  • Open the dataset to conduct your analysis
      				use "idhs_00001.dta", clear
  • Note: As in the previous example, many of the steps spelled out in the exercise in the DHS Contraceptive Calendar Tutorial can be skipped when using the IPUMS DHS version of calendar data.
  • Specifically, there is no need to destring the calendar information and to restructure it (Steps 6.1 and 6.2 of the DHS Contraceptive Calendar Tutorial exercise).
  • The calendar variables in IPUMS DHS are already in a numeric format with appropriate and consistent labels.
  • Step 3.3. Keep cases relating to contraceptive discontinuation for the five years preceding the interview and create an index variable to order months chronologically.

  • Use the following Stata command to limit cases to 60 months before interview:
      				bysort sample calid (calcmc_m): egen long revcalseq = rank(-calseq)
      				keep if revcalseq<61

    Step 3.4. Calculate the women's ages in months

    • As we need to know the woman's age in months for every case, we will calculate a new variable, calage_m, for this purpose. We will use this variable to select women age 15-44 (more precisely, age 180-539 months, which is equal to 15 years 0 months through 44 years 11 months).
        					destring calcmc_month, replace
        					generate calage_m = calcmc_month - dobcmc
        					label variable calage_m "Age in months"

    Step 3.5. Do final calculations

    • Notably, whereas step 6.4 of Example 6 of the DHS Contraceptive Calendar Tutorial provides instructions on calculating cmctime (century month code) and usingany (using any method), IPUMS DHS supplies ready-made variables with this content: CALCMC_MONTH and CALCONTR.
    • The final step is tabulating contraceptive usage by country month code, while limiting the sample to women age 15-44. The results will show the proportion of women in this age range using any contraceptive method.
    • For a simple tabulation of the contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR) for each month, use the following command:
        					tab calcmc_month calcontr if inrange(calage_m,180,539) [iw=perweight], row nofreq

    Stata output:

    	. tab calcmc_month  calcontr if inrange(calage_m,180,539) [iw=perweight], row nofreq
    	 century month |   contraception used
         code date of  |   during woman-month
           woman-month | no contra   yes,cont  |    Total
                  1343 |     94.11       5.89  |   100.00
                  1344 |     93.45       6.55  |   100.00
                  1345 |     92.48       7.52  |   100.00
                  1346 |     91.57       8.43  |   100.00
                  1347 |     91.30       8.70  |   100.00
                  1348 |     90.99       9.01  |   100.00
                  1349 |     90.79       9.21  |   100.00
                  1350 |     90.51       9.49  |   100.00
                  1351 |     90.54       9.46  |   100.00
                  1352 |     90.31       9.69  |   100.00
                  1353 |     90.08       9.92  |   100.00
                  1354 |     89.95      10.05  |   100.00
                  1355 |     89.65      10.35  |   100.00
                  1356 |     89.46      10.54  |   100.00
                  1357 |     89.47      10.53  |   100.00
                  1358 |     89.20      10.80  |   100.00
                  1359 |     88.91      11.09  |   100.00
                  1360 |     88.83      11.17  |   100.00
                  1361 |     88.64      11.36  |   100.00
                  1362 |     88.33      11.67  |   100.00
                  1363 |     88.20      11.80  |   100.00
                  1364 |     87.95      12.05  |   100.00
                  1365 |     87.89      12.11  |   100.00
                  1366 |     87.89      12.11  |   100.00
                  1367 |     87.64      12.36  |   100.00
                  1368 |     87.50      12.50  |   100.00
                  1369 |     87.48      12.52  |   100.00
                  1370 |     87.39      12.61  |   100.00
                  1371 |     87.41      12.59  |   100.00
                  1372 |     87.47      12.53  |   100.00
                  1373 |     87.32      12.68  |   100.00
                  1374 |     87.38      12.62  |   100.00
                  1375 |     87.37      12.63  |   100.00
                  1376 |     87.32      12.68  |   100.00
                  1377 |     87.30      12.70  |   100.00
                  1378 |     87.23      12.77  |   100.00
                  1379 |     87.18      12.82  |   100.00
                  1380 |     87.17      12.83  |   100.00
                  1381 |     87.16      12.84  |   100.00
                  1382 |     87.18      12.82  |   100.00
                  1383 |     87.05      12.95  |   100.00
                  1384 |     86.97      13.03  |   100.00
    			  1385 |     87.02      12.98  |   100.00
                  1386 |     87.00      13.00  |   100.00
                  1387 |     86.89      13.11  |   100.00
                  1388 |     86.74      13.26  |   100.00
                  1389 |     86.61      13.39  |   100.00
                  1390 |     86.48      13.52  |   100.00
                  1391 |     86.33      13.67  |   100.00
                  1392 |     86.02      13.98  |   100.00
                  1393 |     85.76      14.24  |   100.00
                  1394 |     85.42      14.58  |   100.00
                  1395 |     85.21      14.79  |   100.00
                  1396 |     85.10      14.90  |   100.00
                  1397 |     84.60      15.40  |   100.00
                  1398 |     84.24      15.76  |   100.00
                  1399 |     83.79      16.21  |   100.00
                  1400 |     83.26      16.74  |   100.00
                  1401 |     82.88      17.12  |   100.00
                  1402 |     82.51      17.49  |   100.00
                  1403 |     82.29      17.71  |   100.00
                  1404 |     81.84      18.16  |   100.00
                  1405 |     80.79      19.21  |   100.00
                  1406 |     79.77      20.23  |   100.00
                  1407 |     84.50      15.50  |   100.00
    			 Total | 	 87.27  	12.73  |   100.00
    • To produce properly weighted results using the svy parameters
        				svyset psu [pweight=perweight], strata(domain)
    • Tabulate CPR for women 15-44 - including standards error and 95% Confidence interval
        				svy, subpop(if inrange(calage_m,180,539)): mean calcontr, over(calcmc_month) nolegend

    Stata output:

    	. * Tabulate CPR for women 15-44    including standards error and 95% Confidence interval
    	. svy, subpop(if inrange(calage_m,180,539)): mean calcontr, over(calcmc_month) nolegend
    	(running mean on estimation sample)
    	Survey: Mean estimation
    	Number of strata =		35				Number of obs	  =  1,036,140
    	Number of PSUs 	 = 	   554				Population size   =  1,036,140
    											Subpop. no. obs   =    877,616
    											Subpop. size 	  = 881,339.26
    											 Design df 		  =		   519
    						|             Linearized
    						|       Mean   Std. Err.      [95% Conf. Interval] 
    c.calcontr@calcmc_month |
    				   1343 |   .0588519    .0070553      .0449914    .0727124
    				   1344 |   .0655279    .0042953	  .0570896	  .0739661
    				   1345 |   .0752112	 .003641	  .0680583	  .0823641
    				   1346 |   .0843261	.0035598	  .0773326	  .0913195
    				   1347 |   .0870258	.0032516	  .0806379	  .0934138
    				   1348 |    .090141	.0033264	  .0836061    .0966759
    				   1349 |   .0920578	.0034223	  .0853345	  .0987811
    				   1350 |   .0948838	.0035162	  .0879762	  .1017915
    				   1351 |   .0946134	.0034487	  .0878382	  .1013885
    				   1352 |   .0968852	.0034907	  .0900276	  .1037429
    				   1353 |   .0991992	.0034889	   .092345	  .1060533
    				   1354 |   .1005312	.0034592	  .0937354	   .107327
    				   1355 |   .1034984	.0035279	  .0965677	  .1104291
    				   1356 |   .1053634	.0034672	  .0985519	  .1121748
    				   1357 |   .1052634	.0034966	  .0983942	  .1121326
    				   1358 |   .1080461	.0035111	  .1011483	  .1149439
    				   1359 |   .1108987	.0035466	  .1039312	  .1178662
    				   1360 |   .1117398	.0035403	  .1047848	  .1186949
    				   1361 |   .1135538	.0035699	  .1065405	  .1205671
    				   1362 |   .1166647	.0036128	  .1095673	  .1237622
    				   1363 |   .1180429	.0036953	  .1107832	  .1253025
    				   1364 |   .1204509	.0037612	  .1130618	  .1278399
    				   1365 |   .1211401	.0036802	  .1139102	  .1283701
    				   1366 |   .1211401	.0036839	  .1139028	  .1283773
    				   1367 |   .1235914	.0037691	  .1161869	  .1309959
    				   1368 |   .1249733	.0038894	  .1173323	  .1326143
    				   1369 |   .1251814	.0039804	  .1173617	  .1330012
    				   1370 |   .1261237	.0040045	  .1182567	  .1339907
    				   1371 |   .1258944	.0039272	  .1181793	  .1336095
    				   1372 |    .125331	.0039111	  .1176474	  .1330146
    				   1373 |   .1267679	.0039344	  .1190386	  .1344971
    				   1374 |   .1261537	.0039048	  .1184825	  .1338249
    				   1375 |   .1263183	.0038492	  .1187564	  .1338803
    				   1376 |   .1267982	.0037484	  .1194342	  .1341622
    				   1377 |   .1269583	.0038316	   .119431	  .1344856
    				   1378 |   .1277215	.0037492	   .120356	  .1350871
    				   1379 |   .1282363	.0037596	  .1208504	  .1356221
    				   1380 |   .1282779	.0038033	  .1208061	  .1357497
    				   1381 |   .1284324	.0038046	  .1209581	  .1359066
    				   1382 |   .1281511	.0038044	  .1206773	   .135625
    				   1383 |   .1295071	.0037112	  .1222162	   .136798
    				   1384 |   .1302675	.0036768	  .1230443	  .1374907
    				   1385 |   .1298032	.0036498	   .122633	  .1369734
    				   1386 |   .1300379	.0036107	  .1229445	  .1371314
    				   1387 |   .1311499	.0036866	  .1239074	  .1383924
    				   1388 |   .1326131	.0037316	  .1252821	  .1399441
    				   1389 |   .1339158 	 .003779	  .1264918	  .1413398
    				   1390 |    .135236	.0038456	  .1276811	  .1427908
    				   1391 |   .1366614	.0038396	  .1291183	  .1442046
    				   1392 |   .1398269	.0039895	  .1319892	  .1476645
    				   1393 |   .1423745	.0039897	  .1345366	  .1502124
    				   1394 |   .1457545	.0040103	  .1378761	  .1536329
    				   1395 |   .1479303	.0039927	  .1400865	  .1557741
    				   1396 |   .1490465	.0040047	  .1411791	  .1569139
    				   1397 |   .1540173	.0041676	  .1458298	  .1622048
    				   1398 |    .157558	.0042652	  .1491789	  .1659371
    				   1399 |    .162141	.0042749	  .1537427	  .1705392
    				   1400 |   .1673764	.0043297	  .1588705	  .1758823
    				   1401 |   .1712234	.0043755	  .1626275	  .1798192
    				   1402 |   .1749233	.0044151	  .1662496	  .1835971
    				   1403 |   .1770666	.0048485	  .1675416	  .1865917
    				   1404 |   .1816224	.0060429	  .1697509	  .1934939
    				   1405 |   .1920651	.0079036	  .1765382	   .207592
    				   1406 |   .2023279	.0126524	  .1774717	  .2271841
    				   1407 |   .1549731	.0257704	   .104346	  .2056002
    • Note: CMC 1333 is January 2011, CMC 1345 is January 2012, CMC 1357 is January 2013, CMC 1369 is January 2014, CMC 1381 is January 2015. Thus CMC 1327 is July 2010 and CMC 1386 is June 2015. For discussion of how century months are calculated and interpreted, see the variable description for DOBCMC.
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