Calculated IPUMS DHS Living Standard Contextual Variables


IPUMS DHS data are a critical resource for illuminating the relationship between climate change and population health. To further such research, the IPUMS team has calculated new dichotomous variables related to health and living conditions. For example, new variables on fuel use and indoor smoking behavior indicate household air quality. The summary (yes/no) variables on living standards are available for individual households. The results are also aggregated in contextual variables calculated for both primary sampling units and the whole national sample.


For these variables, values are first assigned at the household level using the following codes:

Next, values for households are aggregated to the primary sampling unit level and the national level. During this aggregation, missing values are treated as zeroes (No) and are included in the denominator. Not in universe cases are excluded from both the numerator and the denominator. Because we include missing value cases, the sum of related variables like IMPTOILETPSU, UNIMPTOILETPSU, and OPENTOILETPSU may not necessarily total exactly 100 percent.

When creating the contextual variables, such as IMPWATERPSU or DAILYSMKSAMPLE, we include one record per household (rather than counting records for each household member). We then adjust for sampling issues by applying HHWEIGHT. Finally, the weighted estimate is multiplied by 100. The final contextual variable thus represents the percent of households (in the primary sampling unit or in the sample) that have a certain characteristic.


Variable Description Aggregation Level DHS Guide to Statistics 8 Chapter
Water and Sanitation
IMPWATERHH Indicator for whether the household has an improved drinking water source Household (IDHSHID) Chapter 16
IMPWATERPSU Percentage of households in primary sampling unit that have an improved drinking water source Primary sampling unit (IDHSPSU) Chapter 16
IMPWATERSAMPLE Percentage of households in the sample that have an improved drinking water source Survey round (SAMPLE) Chapter 16
WTRTREATAPPRHH Indicator for whether the household appropriately treats drinking water Household (IDHSHID) Chapter 16
WTRTREATAPPRPSU Percentage of households in primary sampling unit that appropriately treat drinking water Primary sampling unit (IDHSPSU) Chapter 16
WTRTREATAPPRSAMPLE Percentage of households in the sample that appropriately treat drinking water Survey round (SAMPLE) Chapter 16
IMPTOILETHH Indicator for whether the household has improved toilet facilities Household (IDHSHID) Chapter 16
IMPTOILETPSU Percentage of households in primary sampling unit that have improved toilet facilities Primary sampling unit (IDHSPSU) Chapter 16
IMPTOILETSAMPLE Percentage of households in the sample that have improved toilet facilities Survey round (SAMPLE) Chapter 16
UNIMPTOILETHH Indicator for whether the household has unimproved toilet facilities Household (IDHSHID) Chapter 16
UNIMPTOILETPSU Percentage of households in primary sampling unit that have unimproved toilet facilities Primary sampling unit (IDHSPSU) Chapter 16
UNIMPTOILETSAMPLE Percentage of households in the sample that have unimproved toilet facilities Survey round (SAMPLE) Chapter 16
OPENTOILETHH Indicator for whether the household uses bodies of water as toilet facilities or practices open defecation Household (IDHSHID) Chapter 16
OPENTOILETPSU Percentage of households in primary sampling unit that use bodies of water as toilet facilities or practices open defecation Primary sampling unit (IDHSPSU) Chapter 16
OPENTOILETSAMPLE Percentage of households in the sample that use bodies of water as toilet facilities or practices open defecation Survey round (SAMPLE) Chapter 16
Housing Conditions and Indoor Air Quality
ROOMPPHH Number of rooms for sleeping per de jure household member Household (IDHSHID) Chapter 2
ROOMPPPSU Average number of sleeping rooms per person within the primary sampling unit Primary sampling unit (IDHSPSU) Chapter 2
ROOMPPSAMPLE Average number of sleeping rooms per person within the sample Survey round (SAMPLE) Chapter 2
CLEANFUELHH Indicator for whether the household uses a clean fuel for cooking Household (IDHSHID) Chapter 2
CLEANFUELPSU Percentage of households in primary sampling unit that use a clean fuel for cooking Primary sampling unit (IDHSPSU) Chapter 2
CLEANFUELSAMPLE Percentage of households in the sample that use a clean fuel for cooking Survey round (SAMPLE) Chapter 2
SOLIDFUELHH Indicator for whether the household uses a solid fuel for cooking Household (IDHSHID) Chapter 2
SOLIDFUELPSU Percentage of households in primary sampling unit that use a solid fuel for cooking Primary sampling unit (IDHSPSU) Chapter 2
SOLIDFUELSAMPLE Percentage of households in the sample that use a solid fuel for cooking Survey round (SAMPLE) Chapter 2
DAILYSMKHH Indicator for whether any member of the household smokes indoors daily Household (IDHSHID) Chapter 2
DAILYSMKPSU Percentage of households in primary sampling unit in which a member of the household smokes indoors daily Primary sampling unit (IDHSPSU) Chapter 2
DAILYSMKSAMPLE Percentage of households in the sample in which a member of the household smokes indoors daily Survey round (SAMPLE) Chapter 2
WEEKLYSMKHH Indicator for whether any member of the household smokes indoors weekly Household (IDHSHID) Chapter 2
WEEKLYSMKPSU Percentage of households in primary sampling unit in which a member of the household smokes indoors weekly Primary sampling unit (IDHSPSU) Chapter 2
WEEKLYSMKSAMPLE Percentage of households in the sample in which a member of the household smokes indoors weekly Survey round (SAMPLE) Chapter 2
MONTHLYSMKHH Indicator for whether any member of the household smokes indoors monthly Household (IDHSHID) Chapter 2
MONTHLYSMKPSU Percentage of households in primary sampling unit in which a member of the household smokes indoors monthly Primary sampling unit (IDHSPSU) Chapter 2
MONTHLYSMKSAMPLE Percentage of households in the sample in which a member of the household smokes indoors monthly Survey round (SAMPLE) Chapter 2
LTMONTHSMKHH Indicator for whether any member of the household smokes indoors less than monthly Household (IDHSHID) Chapter 2
LTMONTHSMKPSU Percentage of households in primary sampling unit in which a member of the household smokes indoors less than monthly Primary sampling unit (IDHSPSU) Chapter 2
LTMONTHSMKSAMPLE Percentage of households in the sample in which a member of the household smokes indoors less than monthly Survey round (SAMPLE) Chapter 2
NEVERSMKHH Indicator for whether no member of the household ever smokes indoors Household (IDHSHID) Chapter 2
NEVERSMKPSU Percentage of households in primary sampling unit in which members of the household never smoke indoors Primary sampling unit (IDHSPSU) Chapter 2
NEVERSMKSAMPLE Percentage of households in the sample in which members of the household never smoke indoors Survey round (SAMPLE) Chapter 2
Child Nutrition
MDDYNGCHLD Indicator for whether a youngest child age 6 to 23 months old consumed a diet in the past 24 hours that meets Minimum Dietary Diversity (MDD) Young child (IDHSPID) Chapter 11
MDDPSU Percentage of youngest children age 6-23 months in primary sampling unit whose diet met Minimum Dietary Diversity (MDD) Primary sampling unit (IDHSPSU) Chapter 11
MDDSAMPLE Percentage of youngest children age 6-23 months in the sample whose diet met Minimum Dietary Diversity (MDD) Survey round (SAMPLE) Chapter 11
MMFYNGCHLD Indicator for whether a youngest child age 6 to 23 months old consumed a diet in the past 24 hours that meets Minimum Meal Frequency (MMF) Young child (IDHSPID) Chapter 11
MMFPSU Percentage of youngest children age 6-23 months in primary sampling unit whose diet met Minimum Meal Frequency (MMF) Primary sampling unit (IDHSPSU) Chapter 11
MMFSAMPLE Percentage of youngest children age 6-23 months in the sample whose diet met Minimum Meal Frequency (MMF) Survey round (SAMPLE) Chapter 11
MADYNGCHLD Indicator for whether a youngest child age 6 to 23 months old consumed a diet in the past 24 hours that meets Minimum Acceptable Diet (MAD) Young child (IDHSPID) Chapter 11
MADPSU Percentage of youngest children age 6-23 months in primary sampling unit whose diet met Minimum Acceptable Diet (MAD) Primary sampling unit (IDHSPSU) Chapter 11
MADSAMPLE Percentage of youngest children age 6-23 months in the sample whose diet met Minimum Acceptable Diet (MAD) Survey round (SAMPLE) Chapter 11

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