Soil legend

This soil legend is based on the 2020 SoilGrids data. For the older legend, based on 2017 SoilGrids data, click HERE.

The following table shows the list of 30 top-level soil classes. IPUMS-DHS uses the numeric part of the original soil code, which ranges from 0 to 29. The table below also shows a crosswalk of the 118 soil types between the older 2017 classification and the newer soil legend.

Numeric Code Soil Name Old IPUMS-DHS Code
0Acrisols1 to 6
1Albeluvisols7 to 9
2Alisols10 to 11
3Andosols12 to 14
4Arenosols15 to 20
5Calcisols21 to 24
6Cambisols25 to 35
7Chernozems36 to 38
8Cryosols39 to 41
10Ferralsols43 to 47
11Fluvisols48 to 52
12Gleysols53 to 58
13Gypsisols59 to 60
14Histosols61 to 65
15Kastanozems66 to 67
16Leptosols68 to 72
17Lixisols73 to 75
18Luvisols76 to 84
19Nitisols85 to 86
20Phaeozems87 to 89
21Planosols90 to 94
22Plinthosols95 to 96
23Podzols97 to 98
24Regosols99 to 104
25Solonchaks105 to 107
26Solonetz108 to 111
28Umbrisols113 to 114
29Vertisols115 to 118